Counselor/Mentor System


The idea of a counselor system sprang-up from the basic 3 principles corroborated in the writings of Srila Prabhupada.

  1. Reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and using the thoughts and realizations shared by Srila Prabhupada in his Bhaktivedanta purports and guiding principles to take care of devotees.
  2. Having strong sadhana by attending the morning program, and hearing Srimad Bhagvatam in the association of devotees.
  3. Trying to have a genuine concern for devotees.

In its formation the system has no mundane principle; it is based on three aspects - counselor is not a guru, rather he is friend, philosopher and guide, based upon the teaching of Srila Prabhupada

The primary focus of the counselor system is ‘devotee care’. And when the devotee care is taken as the basis many noble projects of devotee welfare will unfurl successively. These projects should aim not to use devotees; rather the project should be used to increase care and concern for devotees. Taking into consideration the principle of being friend, philosopher and guide, three aspects of caring and counseling viz. grahasta counseling, brahmacari counseling and youth counseling has been installed in the first instances and this will give rise to various projects of devotee care in due course to help devotee navigate through the material ocean to reach their final destination of life