
Avengers fanfiction peter calls tony for help

Avengers fanfiction peter calls tony for help. …. Just as the elevator opened, he was greeted with the stern, yet lovely face of one Miss Pepper Potts. "Why didn't you say something to your aunt? To me. " Peter groans. "No! Nnn—" The water cut him off as it reached his mouth but even as Tony moved to where Peter's leg was trapped he heard Peter sputtering as he kept crying around the water. "Hang tight. It's been a month since he last received a phone call in the middle of class, which admittedly left him unprepared for when his phone rang during his science class that day. "No!" Peter cried. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man/Tony S. "Shhh, Pep. "Steve, something is going on. I'll Always Answer When You Call By: YourGuardianAngel08. " There was another pause. Frankly that's what I think of Peter's as a precious little snowflake needing protection from both Steve and Tony fans is bullcrap. Jul 4, 2023 · Actually, it started when Peter jokingly called Tony ‘dad’ in front of them. I-I'm so sorry. He fishes out his phone and sends a quick text to Happy, "Happy will take you back, he'll be waiting outside". But he was ready to storm out of the tower and find Peter if it was the last thing he did. I needed an outlet, and the fluffy prompts came through for me. " Tony didn't know if he was trying to reassure Peter or himself. - Words: 1,243 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 427 - Follows: 180 - Published: 11/19/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12240018 Tony was thankful when he caught sight of the kid. Okay, Tony had had just about enough of this shit. I'm not a kid anymore. He should have never let Peter take the bullet. It's a-all my fault. Calm down. AU/In a world where all the Avengers and Avengers-affiliated people except for Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker, and Harley Keener get dusted, Harley learns to adjust to the life afterwards. "Secretary Ross raises a valid breach of contract – you made a formal agreement to sign-" "-I made an agreement to sign before he tried to kill us. They didn't have as much back up as they usually did. Sep 27, 2019 · Monica looks at Peter in astonishment, firstly that Tony Stark himself is calling her student and secondly that Peter is declining the call from the single most influential living man in any scientific field. Why didn't you say something to me?" "Because it's stupid. because peter parker is, in fact, peter parker, the heir to stark industries, he knows a lot of…influential people, and this gets him into a lot of trouble when he has to take calls in class. Peter. , Pepper P. Feb 15, 2020 · Bruce stepped into the Avengers elevator, and as he pressed the button for his floor he made eye contact with the kid's exasperated and slightly desperate expression. Disclaimer: I don't own or profit anything Marvel related. Tony huffed rubbing his forehead. After the events of Homecoming, Tony has suddenly been very stalker-ish to what Peter's doing and constantly checking in with him or inviting him over. Tony removed the Spider-man mask off of Peter's face before he removed the face plate to examine the damage. Peter nodded, satisfied. May was gone. Tony texts him, but Peter's too afraid of what he'll say to even look at it. I'm so sorry. It's not your fault . " Peter laughed under his breath as Tony passed out Happy's personal cell number while he pushed through to see his kid. Movies Avengers. It's just me, it's Tony. " Peter obeys, but can barely stretch out his limbs as they instinctively curl towards his core. He hadn't informed May that he was leaving because, well, how do you explain that your dead mentor came back to life (kinda of) and has told you to not tell anyone, but to go somewhere in Tennessee. After all, he's just survived a goddamn knife injury so- Jun 23, 2020 · The pain gets worse. "Damn it, Peter. When Tony gives Peter his cell phone number, Peter doesn't call for 5 months. "No, buddy. The class was silently freaking out. Peter feels Tony hold him a little tighter, he can hear Iron Man's heart speed up a bit as well. It has to be. It seems Mr Parker has turned off his phone. Of course, Tony comes to his aid. Peter's aunt was dead. Timeline is roughly between Spiderman: Homecoming and Infinity War. Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark. Clint Barton & Peter Parker. He had to eat enough to keep from passing out, which meant carrying lots of granola bars. 000o000 Tony calls out as he enters the elevator, pushing the button leading to his private penthouse. "It's my fault. "Just answer it kid, it'll be worse if you don't. It was his fault Peter was What will Tony and Pepper do when they learn Peter's tried to hide a card to his Aunt? Parenthood wasn't ever a plan for them but for Spiderman they may be able to try. Peter hesitated slightly before answering, wondering if Tony would make the connection. " Peter goes away happily. Nothing helps. "Kid! Wake up!" Tony whisper-shouts. It had only been a few months since the Accords had been settled, and Tony wasn't ready. It was a perfectly normal day until it wasn't. He should have brought his suit. Peter thought to himself that Tony must have had a nightmare. He sighed as he laid a hand on the boys forehead. Bruce had spent quite a bit of time with Tony so far and - although he knew there was more to tony than he let on - the genius wasn't very open about his feelings. A series of one shots consisting of Peter being a part of the Avengers family and Tony acting as his dad. Tony groans and rubs his temples. Favorite Place By: FrazzledRose. I gotchu. "Just n-not now ok?" Peter whispers. I've got it. , Hawkeye/Clint B. . Disclaimer ~ I do not own Avengers *The one where Tony calls Peter in the middle of his class* Peter was shocked. "A whole month? Kid that's… oh. And Peter doesn't call. Peter followed the familiar hallways to the workshop where Tony was tinkering, a sweaty black tank tee clinging to his back and a welding mask covering his face. Tony sat on the end of Peter's bed for a minute before finally getting the confidence he needed and got up and walked to the door, but before he Peter looks up at Tony, who looks at his watch and swears under his breath when he sees it past 7 and Peter was supposed to be back at his aunt's at 7 because it's a school night. "Yes, Honey-pie. " "Peter, where are you? May 21, 2023 · No Peter merely got back on his feet, gave advice to Happy for not giving up, and reinvented being Spider-Man by going back to basics while continuing on. Pepper had been making a valient effort not to cry but when Tony said those words, she burst into tears. The Avengers didn't know about Peter. When Peter didn't reply, which was even more unlike him, Tony sighed. Aug 25, 2017 · Tony quickly turned around blatantly ignoring Bruce's calls as he ran out the door. " Tony said as soon as Peter was out of earshot. Tony dramatically gasped. Part 4 of heir peter fics. Or: Tony and Peter pretend to be father and son for the Rogues because people kept mistaking them for family anyway. It's not your dad, I'm sorry. "I'll do my best, Spiderling," Loki's suave voice said. Peter was truly an orphan now and Tony knew exactly how that felt. A groan escaped Peter's lips. Peter leans into Tony a little as he stands up, his arm reaching behind Tony and at first he thinks it's because the kid needs help stabilizing himself. Requests are welcome as well! Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Friendship - Captain America/Steve R. Tony could hear Peter's breath catch. I'm on my way to pick you up now. "A month. "Answering video call from Iron Man," The phone ignores him completely in favour of picking up the call. When the got to the compound they went to the Common room and tony used peter's notes to quiz peter for about half an hour then told him to take his backpack to his room and decide on a movie by the time he got back. You gotta tell me what happened. peter’s calculus teacher has a policy where a student has to answer the phone on speaker in front of the whole class. "Just let me, kid. It all happened so fast. "Arms up. James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker. "I'm sorry kid," he said. Sep 9, 2017 · Tony couldn't help but turn back at the door, watching as Peter clutched the phone close to his ear, looking relieved when he heard his Aunts voice. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 11 - Words With Great Care chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. "No, Karen!" Tony had sworn to himself- and to May- that he would keep Peter safe. " Tony murmurs. He let out a content sigh. " The judge levelled Tony a cool look. Crossed-posted on Ao3. A/N: Hi! Next time Tony scolded him for his "ridiculous savior complex," Peter was going to listen. And as he sits and helps Peter learn to cope, Tony A/N: This is literally just my shameless need for Tony Stark to receive the TLC he deserves after watching the A4 trailer. " Peter says, his voice The boy tries to help Tony unzip his coat, but his fingers only hinder the process and are quickly shoved aside. "Look, kid, is this important? I'm really busy right now. The elevator doors opened, and Peter and Tony walked out to see all the Avengers and former Avengers sitting in awkward silence in the living He stayed to help, as did the rest of the team, because there was just too much to do and they didn't have all the Avengers present. Peter stopped mid-loop and glanced at Tony for help. Peter sighed in relief from being spared and watched as Tony excused himself to take the call out in the hall. Peter had been working so hard with patrols and school work, and Tony was so proud of the way he balanced everything and still stayed so positive and ready to help anyone that asked for it. " "Oh, no, no, no Mr Stark, I just need you to call an Uber!" But Tony has already ended the call and is headed downstairs. "Tony?" "What?" And it made life a hell of a lot harder for Tony. Stark for help only to find the other Avengers Mr. Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Captain America/Steve R. " "I am!" Peter was still avoiding Tony's gaze, but there was a silvery sheen to his eyes. As he steps into his new role as Spider-Man, he's caught between personal grief and the demanding life of a hero. When they arrived, Steve knew that he and Tony needed to discuss the events themselves and present a united front with their son, so he sent him to his room. OR The five times Peter called Tony Dad and the one time Tony called Peter his Son Also posted on AO3 May 27, 2019 · Anything you need, an emergency or if Peter needs me call", Tony replies handing the phone back and taking MJ's Ned was in shock he had his hero's number! "I got Ironman's number!" "Pete. Peter Parker & Tony Stark (29488) Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (5976) Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker (3559) Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (3167) Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker (2702) Peter Parker & Pepper Potts (2416) Michelle Jones/Peter Parker (2122) Peter Parker & Steve Rogers (1902) Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker (1836) "Tony, please! I'm not saying anything!" Peter protested, face getting red. Also, I love Shuri and MJ so much, so there’ll a lot of them as well. "Sam, Bucky! Tony bent over and gathered Peter in his arms, one hand under the boy's knees and the other behind his back. /Spider-Man, Iron Man/Tony S. It's driving Peter nuts, but Tony might get an odd reaction from his new habits. Peter pulls Tony into his arms, holding him tightly. After his shower, rest, and granola bar, Tony found himself on his way back to the lab. Peter was here and Tony was scaring him. " Tony says gently. After that, the Rogues assumed that he was Tony’s illegitimate son. This Aunt May is from Spider-Man: Homcoming so she is younger than in the comics and blood related to Peter. I'm Spider-Man, I should be able to handle a little pressure. And dang, did the kid make it hard. With Great Care By: Giggles96. When he finally does, he's dying in an alleyway. "One two three, breath, one two three, breath, that's it Betty!" Peter slammed his hand on the edge of the pool and looked around. Jul 17, 2019 · Peter calls Tony in the middle of the night, desperate for help. Tony—being the devil that he is—decided to go along with it. " He apologized again, leaning forward to kiss his kid's forehead before pulling away. , Sam W. " Tony sighed; "Show me what he's looking at. Tony ran his fingers through Peter's bloodied hair. An hour and a half later, Tony finally gets Peter to tell him what had happened. " Tony says, shredding the frozen layers off of Peter's shivering frame. The results of that call are not what anyone expected. This will all be fine. "Hey…I know, I'm sorry I didn't call but I was busy with a…. "Oh Peter before I forget, I got you Netflix like you asked. Tony adresses Peter while the others are busy talking among themselves. "I'm sorry. Tony should have asked Peter to stay home. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 1,057 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 28 - Published: 5/14 You're On Speaker - Tony. Oct 9, 2019 · This time Peter laughed as they got into the elevator and headed down to the Avengers common room, as they were heading down Tony filled Peter in on what had happened before, he had to go "save his ass". "What's up, Peter?" This wasn't like Peter, and Tony was worried. Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov. Shutting the door behind him, Peter looked at him, "Thanks, Mr Stark. Tony thanked the nurse and returned to Peter's room. That finally broke through to Tony. Prompt: i need a fic called "the 5 times tony went to peter's school and the one time peter went to tony's work/meeting/SI" (Anon) Warnings: Major Character Death (no description of actual death), dissociation (just in case) A/N: This is the first of 10 collab works we're doing for 1k followers on weartirondad on tumblr! He felt Tony touch his arm and Peter opened his eyes slightly to peek and he could tell that just touching Peter relieved Tony so much. " Peter mumbled into Tony's t-shirt, hoping half-heartedly that he wouldn't hear. Peter instinctively snuggled closer to Tony, face against the man's chest and arms tucked up against his own. Jul 10, 2019 · Enveloping Peter in her arms, she held him against her like she'd done for Tony whenever he broke down; like she did for Morgan after a horrible nightmare that kept her up for hours. Also I love Tony& Peter interactions, as well as Peter's class realising he was telling the truth, so yeah, there's a bit of that. " Tony says, carding a hand through Peter's hair. He certainly never intended on making up for lost time. You can get in touch with my manager if you want another meet-and-greet, he loves talking to people. He and Tony had gotten the call to action, and Tony had taken Peter along, while Cap took Wanda and Vision. I'm fine. "You're gonna be fine, kid. "I'm so-rry. Lol . Aug 9, 2021 · "You got it, boss!" Steve replied, and Peter could practically see him saluting the phone. Tony never wanted a kid. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Tony swivelled his chair to glance up at the judge. "Boss I am unable to complete the call. Peter Parker & James "Rhodey" Rhodes. " Tony reached out to put his hand around the boy's shoulders, shaking him a little, "One thing you've got to promise me though Tony sets Peter up with one of the best psychiatrists in the state—the same one he visits himself—before they leave the hospital, and they spend the rest of the night watching Peter's practically vintage Star Wars VHS tapes and tinkering with the collection of Legos he keeps at Tony's. "Call Peter. " "Head hurts. Prompt: An injured Peter goes to the tower to ask Mr. "Rule one with Agent Romanoff: don't ask questions. Tony was again pulled to his feet as the Quinjet was landed 20 yards from the group. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Iron Man/Tony S. Peter followed them wordlessly and the car ride back home was silent as Steve processed the information they had. When a man with a grudge against Tony finds his way into a school-wide Decathlon practice, he gets more than he bargained for and Peter and Tony reveal more than they wanted. Please breathe, you're scaring me Tony. This kid was going to be the death of him. 1. " Tony tells him, his eyes beginning to water. When Bruce reached the upper labs he quickly found Tony and let him know what was happening. "Tony?" Jun 16, 2018 · Tony sighed, frowning as Peter's fever-glazed eyes looked up at him, full of hope. It took Tony a moment to register what the nurse was saying. The teens eyes eventually flutter open. " Tony opened the door for Peter before climbing in beside him, and the jokes faded as he saw how tired and small Peter looked. C'est ce que se demande Peter Parker - ou plutôt Peter Stark, alias le fils de Tony Stark, alias Spider-Man, lorsqu'il s'éveille d'une disparition qui, a ses yeux, n'aura duré que quelques secondes, mais durant laquelle le reste du monde aura avancé sans lui. " Tony got into the car and waited for Peter to follow suit. "I know bud. And footage appeared with a blurred edge, or what looked like a Basically, what if Peter and friends were at the compound for movie night and the newly pardoned avengers arrive while Tony's on an ice cream run. "Alright, that's all for the autographs today. He waved at the older man through the glass, motioning for him to let Peter in, but Tony simply shrugged and pointed to the control panel next to the door in a way that said, sorry kid "Sounds great thanks tony" peter said smiling "No problem kiddo" tony said as returned his attention to the road. "It was my fault. " Peter grins, already planning his watchlist. Loki & Peter Parker. Aug 30, 2019 · Summary: When Fury tries to convince Peter that he was the only Avenger available to fight the 'Elementals' with Beck, Peter pulls a Tony Stark and dials the private number of a certain Sorcerer Supreme that he KNOWS will be answered. Please kiddo. Tony carefully examined where all the rubble was placed, carefully lifting the piece that was hanging just above Peter's head. Peter wrapped his arms around Tony like a vice. After the tragic loss of his Uncle Ben, Peter Parker is left feeling lost and overwhelmed, struggling to make sense of the chaos around him. "Yah it's me kid. Takes place in a slight AU where Civil War essentially didn't happen and the avengers are still together. My personal theory is that she's some kind of alien, or maybe a witch, but Bruce hasn't been around to help me test that hypothesis. Peter Parker & Shuri. Wanda Maximoff & Peter Parker. "Tony?" Peter asks hoarsely. To his complete surprise, Tony smiled in amusement. Peter groans a little and his head lolls. When he later sees Tony again a few days later at the tower, the Avengers are all gathered together in the common area having a team bonding day. Peter's class was working on technique with Coach Wilson who, although not a swimmer, had very much theoretical knowledge and was able to help all the students in their problems. Tony looked almost scared but he put his arms around her. " Peter was not fine, Tony Sep 21, 2019 · The team had a very emotional conversation with May once the kid was fully asleep and tucked in his bed, with more than one person breaking down in tears. " Tony said aloud. "How long have you had them for?" Tony's voice was muffled slightly by Peter's curls. Until next time. " he chokes out, shaking violently. " Tony cut the older man off, pulling up in his chair to stare up at the judge fully. /Falcon, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,721 - Reviews: 62 - Favs: 791 - Follows: 445 - Updated Jul 26, 2019 · For someone to be swinging around Queens and stopping crime, it's seriously ridiculous. "What the hell, Parker?" Annoyed, Tony gestured broadly at the room, Peter, and the situation at large. "Ok. /Or, a post-IW Parkner slash one-shot. "I thought you'd be happy to see me. - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,329 - Reviews: 114 - Favs Not a Love Story. "N-no, it's not important. She felt his tears dampen her shoulder, and she only held him tighter as sobs wracked his small frame and he trembled in her arms. They all decided to help Peter get the help he needs and came up with ways to make sure that the kid that stole all of their hearts would never have to go through something alone. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Peter P. Medication doesn't help. Bruce will take care of you. Peter Parker Meets the Avengers. Peter Parker & Sam Wilson. Peter was ordering around the Avengers?! And gods?! "Good," Peter was saying. "You do! I knew it!" Peter could only moan in his hands, May started scolding Tony to stop when Tony's phone started ringing. " "EDITH, accept call. Maybe even a little more than that. "I am so very sorry. To the point that he has to bite into his pillow because he's afraid he'll bite of his own tongue. " He walked over to a desk where there was a large monitor propped up at an angle. , Iron Man/Tony S. "Hey, man!" Peter calls when he sees his mentor walk through the door one frigid night Aug 8, 2017 · Tony had begun to call out before seeing the red and blue of Peter's suit and rushing towards it. " "It's not stupid. " May was the last family Peter had. Stark had lots of rules, and Peter liked to think that he'd finally memorized them all. Movies Avengers. Tony's lips twitched upward as he looked down at Peter, carrying him to the elevator. I'm sorry I bothered you. This was the last place he wanted to be, but Flash clearly needed help, and Peter just couldn't leave him, no matter how many times the kid had made fun of his clothes or his parents, or even shoved him into the lockers. " Peter blinked, one of his hands reaching out and pressing to Tony's chest, fingers moving restlessly against the fabric of his mentor's shirt as if he wanted to grab onto it but couldn't remember Tony took a step closer, and Peter took a step back. "I really am. Peter shakes his head and buries it into Tony's chest. Tony swiped Peter's tears away with his thumbs. Peter's silence is answer enough. " Peter whispers.