Definition & Benefits

Organic farming involves using techniques that aids in achieving good yields without damaging the environment or the people who live and work in it. So any farming practice, be it traditional or modern, that complies with this principle can be adopted in Organic Farming. A good organic farmer is one who sees that not every insect is a pest, not every plant out of place is a weed and the solution to every problem in not spraying chemicals. The aim is not to eradicate all pests and weeds, but to keep them down to an acceptable level and make the most of the benefits that they may provide. Another important feature of Organic farming is the use of native seeds as opposed to genetically modified seeds.

Organic farming on the other hand works in cooperation with nature, aiding not only the growth of plants but also boosting the soil life, ensuring long term yields. By carefully adopting all the Organic farming practices not only can one ensure high yields but also the purity of the production.