
Colorful flyers and posters of the same nature are posted and distributed in our Govinda's Buffet restaurant or on Harinama, advertizing the Bhakti House, but again, it is age specific and also please note that mostly these invitations are made by, 'Young people preaching to young people." That is a direct quote from Badari Narayana Prabhu, GBC for southern California. No young man or woman will generally join a club that is run by people who are all thirty years older than they are. Faith at that age is very much based on what one's peers are establishing as the norm.

Another means of advertising which has developed into an opportunity of spiritual self-expression and preaching is the 16 Rounds newspaper which is distributed at thirty locations from newspaper rack in the San Diego area. It is published by Maha Tattva dasa, who maintains the Krishna Loungue program at San Diego temple. This tabloid size newspaper has a bright controversial photo on the front regarding some current topic, i.e./, Global Warming, Occupy Wallstreet, Terrorism, etc., and it is filled with controversial, political articles with covert spiritual solutions offered in them and no overt Hare Krishna philosophy. There are also a few articles regarding health and well being, vegetarianism, Ayur-veda, etc.

Placed in the most prominent locations, the back and the opening page, are full length photos of young happy people dancing, playing mrdanga, eating prasadam or chatting with other young people in an evening party atmosphere, and all the details for inviting them to the Krishna Lounge in San Diego or the Bhakti House in LA. This 16 Rounds newspaper has also been an opportunity for many young Hare Krishna devotees to speak out on issues that very much concern them about today's world and where it's going, from a Krishna conscious perspective.