Changing times

The very profound movement of youth to join the Hare Krishna movement in the 60's and 70's in America had less to do with spirituality than it did with wanting to be able to make a change in a disappointing social establishment. At present, to create new devotees here in America that same mood is being tapped into at the Bhakti House. The present day atmosphere of doubt and mistrust in American financial enterprises, banks, educators, food habits and the like is actually a very painful, confusing situation for the innocent youth here. Things in America have changed. Kids who are college age right now are the ones who grew up seeing the Twin Towers collapse of the trelivision as they walked out of the house to go off to school in the morning. Kids coming from middle class families do not consider themselves as likely to be able to attain the same financial status as most of their elders. They have taken to public transportation and bicycling without hope of having the nice little car their parents had at the same age, and they don't want a car, most of them, because the prospect of a warming planet is a fear in them deeper than we older people realize.

Many youth in America are experiencing heavy psychological illnesses, depression, etc., because mothers are not at home for them, they are in the work force as much as the fathers. That's if the family is together. There is a %60 divorce rate. One out of every three homeless persons in America is under 18 years old! One out of every four students in America drops out of high school before he graduates! Unemployment among youth and people in their twenties is higher than it has been in fifty years.